Extensively studying the course material and preparing ahead of time allows students to write down any questions they may have in advance and ask these questions in class. Additionally, advance preparation will enable you to avoid being bogged down learning the introductory material - which is easier and more efficiently learned at home. Instead, students can more wisely spend the live instructor-led classroom time learning advanced information, professional report writing, and field work.
Although specific training depends on state requirements, you can expect to listen to lectures, watch Powerpoint presentations, work with mock equipment and demos, and most importantly, inspect homes. In addition, PHII provides students with access to computers in the classroom during the training in order to complete assignments, testing, and inspection reports. PHII's style of hybrid classroom is unparalleled and without peer in the industry and allows each student to progress at his or her own pace so that no one is left behind.

Traveling to South Dakota for Training Labs
Air/Ground Travel
If you live out of the area and wish to travel to Madison, South Dakota to attend a free lab, we can help you plan the best method of air or ground travel. We are familiar with the airlines and rental services that service this area, so please call us before making permanent travel reservations as we may be able to help you find the best routes to take or the most economical fares.
Below is a list of lodging facilities in the Madison area. Some offer discounts if you tell them you are attending the Professional Home Inspection Institute.
Hotels in Madison, SD (0 mi.)
AmericInn (605) 256-3076
Lake Park Motel (605) 256-3524
Super 8 (605) 256-6931
Hotels in Howard, SD (21 mi.)
Freddy's Motel (605) 772-4531
Pheasant Hunting Lodges (25 mi.)
Spring Lake Hunting Lodge
Oldham, SD (605) 482-8000
Gaming Casinos (31 mi.)
Royal River Casino and Hotel
Flandreau, SD (877) 912-5825