House Framing
Hours: 45 | Type: DistanceThe methods, materials and elements used to form the structure of the home make up the house framing. It includes the foundation, walls, ceilings, roof, decks, openings and any other part of the home that is "load-bearing" - that must support weight. Most house framing is hidden from plain view and only visible from unfinished areas. This makes it difficult to spot defects and weak points unless you have a solid knowledge of framing or special equipment..

PHII's comprehensive home framing course will teach you all the types of framing you are likely to encounter as a home inspector, and demonstrate methods and techniques to find defects in each type. The course starts with a thorough definition of common terminology used, and proceeds to take you step-by-step at your own pace through each part of the framing process. Throughout the lessons, there are hundreds of photos, diagrams, and video clips to help you retain the content. The course begins with the different types of wood framing including platform, balloon, and post-and-beam, and also covers concrete, steel and masonry framing. You will even learn about less common types of framing, including straw bale and rammed earth framing. This framing type is still used in parts of the country including the state of Texas.
The course is available online and teaches you how to distinguish one type of framing from another and where to look for defects in various types of framing. As you complete each lesson, you will use interactive flash cards and take practice quizzes that will test and verify your knowledge simultaneously through instant computerized feedback. Our secure server captures your answers so you can easily monitor your progress. When you finish the course you will be more knowledgeable, more confident, and more informed about all areas of home framing.
What You Will Master:
- Understand the different types of wood framing
- Foundation construction requirements and techniques
- Identify the parts of a floor frame
- Understand why and when joists should be doubled
- Identify parts of rough window openings
- Understand outside wall construction techniques
- The process for installing wall sheathing
- Construction differences between bearing and non-bearing walls
- The various framing members used in roof construction
- Understand the difference between run and span
- And much more
- Approved by the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) for 45 Core Hours.
Package Includes:
Online Course Access
Tracking via the Internet
Computerized Flashcards & Testing
Audio/Video Demonstration Clips
Toll Free Support
Free Membership in NSHI, the National Society of Home Inspectors.
Continuing Education Approvals
House Framing can be used for continuing education credits in & FloridaClick the add to cart button below and proceed to the checkout to get signed up. You will be emailed a username/password to login and begin.